Sunday, February 10, 2008

Tom & Jerry's Antiques/ Mercer, PA

Located next to the Helen Black Memorial Chapel and the Mercer County Historical Society in Mercer is a little brick duplex that houses Tom & Jerry’s…
This is a just the kind of shop a “rummager” would like. It contained things that may or may not have came from the Kauffman Estate in Pittsburgh, some legitimate high end crockery and trinkets and some things that may eventually become an antique. Huge ’estate like’ picture frames sitting next to a figurine of what looked like the rapper 50 cent dressed up as Santa Claus. Get the picture…
I found a crock perfume vase that I just had to have, I do have my doubts as to its age but as I have said before, I buy what I like and it looks good holding my dried flowers. You do need to know what something is worth I am afraid to say things in this little shop tend to be a bit pricey. I know I have been told ’Mr. Mercer’ is a wealth of interesting stories and information and some say that is why he opened shop… to visit!
In all fairness I would have to suggest you stop and look around, after visiting The Courthouse Square Dry Goods and on your way to the Mercantile. If you aren’t in any hurry stop over at the Historical Society and look around, I think they have a great display of history of Mercer and the surrounding area!!

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